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Old 08-17-2005, 08:13 PM
TTChamp TTChamp is offline
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Default Re: I have a tilt problem.

I have an identical problem. I have a full time job that pays me pretty well so poker is mostly recreation for me, but I am not so wealthy that the money is meaningless. I will play 10-15 hours per week and slowly build my bankroll. Then one night for no apparent reason I'll just go totally loose aggressive and lose weeks worth of money in a night. The worst part is that no matter what happens I am glued to the game. It has happened to me 3 times. Everytime I have stepped down a limit and built my roll back up. I have used the following strategies and have avoided a "melt-down" for several months now. Hope this helps you.

1. If you feel a melt down coming on, go to a sit and go tournament and play a game that is not your specialty. I normally play low limit HE, so I will go and play a 20+2 SNG in no limit HE. The amount of money you can lose is fixed in the tourny and since you are playing an unfamiliar game, you will have to focus so hard that you will forget you are on tilt.

2. Go play a game you are unfamiliar with at a very low limit. I will play 7 card stud at .5/1 when I feel a melt down coming on. My lack of confidence in the game stems the tide of loose aggressiveness, and at a very low limit I don't lose much cash.

3. By using 1 and 2 above I no longer feel glued to the game. Once I get away I don't go back for 2-3 days. During this time, brag to a few people about the size of your bankroll so that you feel accountable not to blow it all. Also, use this time to review starting hand criteria and take some starting hand quizzes.

4. When you get to a level where you start to feel very comfortable with your bankroll either move up and challenge yourself or withdraw some money. I know that most of these serious players dosn't like to take money out, but those of us that are doing this for fun and a little extra cash need the threat of busting to keep our edge.
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