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Old 08-14-2005, 02:50 AM
lemonPeel lemonPeel is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 79
Default Poker is my best friend, girlfriend and family in one

All I ever do is play poker. Poker all day, poker all night. If I'm not playing, I'm thinking about it. The problem is, I just moved to a new state for a job and I know no one. I'm still relatively young, but POKER IS CONSUMING MY LIFE. Any poker, tournament, live, online and I also play every form of poker that is spread in card rooms these days, including NL holdem, limit hold'em, 7 stud, 7 stud hi/lo, Omaha Hi/Lo... I've managed to break even mostly but have small sporadic spurts where I double my bankroll or get some insanely huge wins, then I slowly drop some and win some back etc. Anyone been in my situation before? Ever meet a girl in a card room? Ever made some friends you hung out with in a card room? I figure since I eat, drink, and sleep even sometimes in these card rooms, I can do just about everything else there like meet people. Bad idea? Suggestions? Comments? Help?
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