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Old 08-07-2003, 01:38 PM
crockpot crockpot is offline
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Default Re: Online no-limit tournament

you'll have a lot more trouble finding a tourney with over $50 buy-in than under. the only bigger ones are usually special events no more than once a week.

that said, here's a rundown of your top three places to go, in no particular order:

party - terrible players, tournaments usually draw massive numbers of people (400-800), buy-ins range from $1 to $50.

ultimatebet - bad players, tournaments usually draw medium amounts of people (150-300), buy-ins range from $1 to $50.

stars - decent players, tournaments usually draw medium amounts of people. i'm not sure on the exact range of buy-ins, but unless they added new features recently i believe $10 to $50.

the best tournament software goes stars, ub, party. stars has a more advanced structure with an ante in the later stages, like the big in person tourneys. i hear party has fixed their all in to roll cards one at a time, but i still dislike their software. whatever you choose, playing one tourney at the cheapest buy-in (or signing up for one of the random crappy freerolls) is a good way to get acquainted with the software.
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