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Old 08-08-2005, 03:36 PM
Borno Borno is offline
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Default tight is right - I mean on the turn and river

I've noticed 2 major leaks that are actually linked so highly to the point that I will call it one. (Ed Miller says we all fold too much. -- I don't think I'm folding enough)

I think these idea of folding your committed equity is a psychological issue. I'm in the process of reading psych. of poker right now... but anyone have any comments on such a problem?

#1: The ability to fold with a made hand on the turn and river.
#2: trusting my hand reading capabilities.

I frequently find myself with TPTK or TPGK protecting the flop, possibly getting 3 bet or called.. and then betting out and being raised, and calling down. Or being 3 bet after I c/r and calling down.

I see being 3 bet after I c/r being a major warning sign... but what opponents should I be calling down against in this situation? -- is 2 pair on a 3 flushed or 3 straight board (unless its top 2) too weak to continue... I don't think so, but my recent many losses on these boards have made me think its possible.

With turn raises after I lead the turn on a 3 flush or 3 straight board.. or when I just have TPTK or TPGK what should my line be against different types of opponents?

On the river I almost always fold my decent made hands like TPTK or two pair when its 2 bets cold to me. but I will frequently value bet the made hands when checked to me and call a c/r or a later position raise.

Generally, unless against a very aggressive player how strong should one's hand be to call a river c/r HU or in a 3 handed pot?

Note: I am not talking about being c/r'd on the turn. In these situations I only call with a strong made hand (2 pair and above, unless a tricky agro opponent) or a strong drawing hand.

In these situations I find myself thinking "Oh no! He has it!" But how can I learn to trust these reads in long shot situations? - when we flip the cards I find myself usually right.

Drew Pruitt, I believe, wrote an article on trusting your reads... I'll review that - but I find it VERY hard to fold a lot of equity for 1 more bet on the end. Drew Pruitt's Need to Divorce a Showdown
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