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Old 08-04-2005, 03:02 PM
mike4bmp mike4bmp is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 46
Default Re: The PokerStudent Blog (X-post)

Growing up an immigrant showed me that I could not have all the things I wanted handed to me and thus bred a competitive nature within me that is probably the single thing that pushes me forward, the need to feel superior.

I decided to go into engineering simply because it was the only university program that all my high school courses were prerequisites for. I never took biology.

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I don't know if you are trying to say that you ended up compromising when you made the choice to go into the engineering program but I understand especially from a immigrant's perspective. I am considered a 1.5 generation Korean (inside community joke)and being a male there is a lot of expectations for me.

If it makes you feel any better I was a year away from applying to medical school...took my MCATs finished all of my premed courses (with decent grades) and was waiting to finish my BSW in Social Work...when all of sudden I dropped out of the program completely. I worked at a hospital for about a year and slowly found out that I could not stomach working in the US medical industry...poor budget planning...rude professionals...lack of compassion and the list goes on. So I quit...I simply will not do something just for the sake of doing it and so that I can have a "proper" career....

So now I am just working, playing poker and card counting....I will be going to film school this September...which I am extremely excited about....something that I've always had an interest in. Yeah I know it is a risky business in terms of finding employment...but hey wouldn't you call this a non-self weighting life decision?

I also recently started playing poker about a year ago and believe that I started the correct way...I am totally book learned and while my friends all laugh at me and tell me that I am wasting my time. I am confident that by watching the mistakes they make that I am a much more knowledgeable and skillful player than they will ever be.

Keep studying and good luck with poker and engineering my opinion you engineering students are the brightest in Academia and I commend you on your effort dedication. Peace!
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