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Old 07-23-2003, 09:55 PM
bernie bernie is offline
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Default wierd golf rules..

clarks post got me to thinking of back when i was playing golf quite a bit. i used to play in a very cutthroat skins game. no rule was safe to being used or exploited. the rule book to buy is the 'decisions' book. it has great examples that you dont need a lawyer to decipher it.

anyways, there were alot of obscure rules you can whip out. one benefit is that it can really thrown an opponent off his game a little. getting his brain away from his swing and on something else. (bobby jones was great for doing this)

i won a bet with my grandad who played for, well, ever. helped build courses, marshalled them....

it started with my dad being inept at getting out of sandtraps. (he has since overcame that). i brought up the unplayable lie rule. ever see all the aspects of this rule? you can claim an unplayable lie anywhere on the course. anywhere...even 1 inch from the hole if you really wanted to. my contention was it would save him 4 strokes getting out of the trap by taking a stroke and playing outside the trap, no closer to the hole, line of flight..blah blah...(yes, it used to take him quite a few to get out of traps with regularity so this rule would actually really save him some strokes).

grandad thought i was full of it. so when he went back to AZ, he asked his local pro and sent me a check. dad never did use the rule. choosing instead to slug it out til he got it. i have to admire that.

but there are other rules some dont realize advantages of.

anyone else think of any?

great bobby jones line said when playing in a HU match to throw off his opponent. maybe youve heard it. i used it and it worked beautifully. "Do you breathe in or out when you hit the ball?" ask it innocently.

one more..."You're really hitting well today. Did you change something in your swing?"

these 2 lines worked fantastic for additional entertainment value along with gaining some skins. watching my cutthroat opponents blow 2+ holes in a row after trying to respond to em while putting their mind on everything to do with hitting the ball. told ya it was a mean skins game. haha


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