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Old 07-28-2005, 03:48 PM
TemetNosce TemetNosce is offline
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Default Re: Will multitabling be useful to beginner?

Yes, the reality is that it gets a little boring to me, but not playing, rather waiting for a hand worth playing. And in online game there's much less to watch during that time. Also with the low level of both myself and (at least some of) my opponents I'm not sure if I should be learning from them, or if they are just pressing the buttons randomly.
Does this really mean that I'm not wired right for this kind of a thing, or do others also feel this occasionally?

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I don't think it means you are not wired right for this. As another poster stated, the novelty of playing should keep you interested in playing just one table at first. Assuming that you will also be reading a poker book (or several)as you begin to play, playing one table first is good for learning how to apply the concepts you are studying and making correct decisions. It is easier to learn while playing one table. Playing several tables will cause you to make mistakes at first because your attention can get spread thin.

It will not take long for you to be able to play two tables at once, though. Adding additional tables after that will be a bit more of a challenge, but certainly doable. Add a table once you are comfortable with the number that you are playing.

Make it a point to learn from your opponents, from both their good plays and their bad plays. If you see a bad play, think about how you would have played the hand better. If you see a good play, think about why it was a good play and use it in the future in similar situations.

Also, be careful to not let the boredom of waiting to play a hand cause you to start playing hands just because you are bored. If you cave into that boredom, you will not like the results. Watch your opponents play, that info will be useful and will help alleviate boredom.
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