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Old 07-18-2003, 12:12 AM
Wildbill Wildbill is offline
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Default Re: About that \"insignificant\" deficit

Tom they used to be the fiscally responsible party but it only takes a few bad years and look now, I bet they aren't seen that way but too many people. Fiscally sane? They are gaining a reputation for being tax cutters for the rich. I don't say it that way, but a lot of the public sure does. In any event these types of titles just don't go too far really, people vote for candidates more so than parties and with so many liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats these titles don't do much good.

Bush definitely tries to do too much to get elected, he has the special interest constituency of the month club, the seniors turn has come up. This medicare "mess" just drives me crazy. What mess is there? I say it again people want the best coverage and care and the lowest price (none) and act like the only thing keeping them from getting it is an unhelpful Congress. If only life were so easy. Sometimes this democracy we have makes me cringe, its not about merit or good, its about promises and then lies. You know what would be a great idea, but probably never happen. Have a "mid-term approval". The representative has to be approved midway through their term, if they are voted out they can't run again for a couple cycles. If they are voted back in we don't waste time and lies on a campaign. Then it would be simple, the candidate makes a list of things to accomplish and if the people think s/he isn't getting it done s/he is tossed and we move onto someone that lives up to their word. Fair enough?
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