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Old 07-17-2003, 02:00 PM
Aragorn Aragorn is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 213
Default You know who the \"real welfare\" queens are?

They are not the poor people, although there are people who abuse the system. It is the elderly. Our entire system of taxation and benefits is a massive transfer of money from the young and working to the old and retired.

The other massive transfer of wealth is to the Middle East. We send massive amounts of money over there for a product we burn. Then we send more money over there and burn some more.

Here's my politically impossible solution. We put large additional taxes on gasoline and we refund every penny of it based on average driving in a region. If you drive an energy efficient car, you come out ahead. If you drive a gas guzzler, you pay through the nose for the priviledge. If you drive an average car, you about break even.

I know it will never work that way. The public would scream. Congress couldn't keep their hands off the revenue. But it would be a great way to provide incentives for enery efficiency and helping our trade balance.
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