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Old 07-25-2005, 01:41 PM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default Re: Gonna live off 2/4 - How long?

Dude, people are trying to be helpful here, but you're just not being realistic at all. Read my response to your original post. Read what bernie is saying to you again, over and over if need be. We know. I know. I made 90% of my living off poker for three years, before I decided to go "back to work." I did make a decent living at it too, and still could if I so chose. I'm MUCH more knowledgable on the subject of poker, and undoubtedly a MUCH better player than you. I'm not trying to put you down, I'm trying to impart to you the folly of what you're planning here before you totally bomb like Berlin, 1945.

5-10 is too low to make a living. 2-4 is impossible. If you dropped $200 last night (a HUGE loss by the way, 50 big bets~!) then you're down to a $500 bankroll. If you're as good as I am (and you're probably not), you need a minimum of $1200 (300 big bets) to give yourself a 95% chance of NOT going broke playing 2-4. IMO, 300 ain't even enough these days, you need MORE.

Purchase and read Gambling theory and other topics, by Mason Malmuth. Then read it again. Follow the advice, don't just read it.

There is some fantastic information in "blackbelt in blackjack" by Arnold Snyder on the subject gambler's ruin. DO NOT attempt to be a blackjack player, holy cow you AIN'T ready for that.

This article ...

is pretty advanced, but discusses some of what you really need to UNDERSTAND before you try to gamble for a living. If this article is too over your head, you're not ready to try this yet.

If you still won't listen to the very reasonable advice some very knowledgable and experienced posters are giving you here, then please do make sure and be honest, posting your "I went broke" report here too.

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