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Old 07-10-2003, 03:05 AM
KJS KJS is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Posts: 158
Default Re: baby animal report

Its the onset of rainy season here in Northern Thailand. That means a lot of activity around my house in the woods. Have a frog living in the bathroom floor drain, who I blame for a nasty flood in there the other day. Lots of frogs outside too.

Had a week of flying termite mating last week. These guys come out of the ground at the start of the rains, fly around lights in mass numbers, mate and die. I probably had thousands flying around my house at once. Swept up piles of wings off the porch each morning.

Dusk is a feeding frenzy: moths come out and eat the small bugs, geckos and big lizards munch the moths, neighborhood cats come over and feast on the geckos.

My wife has spotted 3 snakes so far. I've only seen one dead one in the road. The last one she saw was about 2 inches in diameter and 5 to 6 feet long, black with red and white stripes. Local friend said he thought it was a constrictor. Lots of poisonous ones around too, so you have to watch your step walking at night.

Also have great birds, little bamboo squirrels, turtles in the pond, and a symphony of crickets every dusk.


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