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Old 07-17-2005, 07:47 PM
dibbs dibbs is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: east coast
Posts: 39
Default Re: Internet Kansas City Lowball Rumors.

The big difference with KC is most players who try it out will QUICKLY go broke, as opposed to TD or razz where poor players get bled dry over a longer period, allowing the games to last longer (although bad players can rip through a stack real quick at TD).

I think after a while it'd be the few remaining players who know what theyre doing with the occasional drop in from a bored gambler.

Not to say I don't want it to happen, with the draw engine in place they'd probably add TD.

As you mentioned, if they make a HORSE, HOSE, or dealers choice game that had TD in it, I'd be in heaven. It's a shame only games grid has dealers choice so far.
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