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Old 07-17-2005, 10:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bet AA preflop to reduce the number of callers?

Here is my phylosophy on AA: You do NOT want more than 3 other players in it with you. I, no matter what position, and from early position, unless 100% sure that someone (loose) will raise, I raise my AA. Some players will be happy to get 6 callers with AA but if YOU miss catching your set of Aces, good luck winning the pot.

Because you do not want garbage hands like 52o in it with you. These hands will only pay you if they hit two pair or better. You also do not want connectors suited in it with you. You want STRONG hands. AK would be best. Say you're up against KJ and flop comes J76, you're in great shape but you wouldn't be against T9, 98, 95, 54, 43 even 7x or 6x because they won't pay you off unless they catch their second pair or trips. But everyone that called preflop that might have KK, QQ, AJ, or Jx, or even TT will pay you off.

It's your job to make it expensive for those trying to outdraw you. And to make their E(x) not worth the investment to call. But for those that already have a hand, it wouldn't really be an "investment" now would it.
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