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Old 07-15-2005, 12:21 PM
Popinjay Popinjay is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Battlestar Galactica

For the past two weeks I have been absolutely addicted to watching the new version of Battlestar Galactica. I want to make it more popular because frankly this is a very very good TV show. I know what many of you thinking, Popinjay = nerdboy. While this may or may not be true BSG is a lot more than space porn for nerds. Diane Werts explained it nicely in her Newsday article,

Rodney Dangerfield was wrong. It's sci-fi TV that don't get no respect.

Case in point: A vice president in the TV industry recently asked me what TV shows I watch for enjoyment. I mentioned my favorite is "Battlestar Galactica" on Sci Fi Channel. She laughed. I asked if she'd seen it. No, she said, and laughed again. Did she know, I asked, that it's a gritty adult drama of family members and colleagues in deep-rooted conflict not unlike that of "The Sopranos"? That they're part of a civilization struggling not only to survive but to define itself amid messy terrorist warfare? That it explores the values of competing societies that demonize each other's spiritual beliefs? That it's full of gutsy acting by the likes of Edward James Olmos and sophisticated allegory mirroring today's global politics?

[/ QUOTE ]

So seriously, don't knock this show until you've seen it. That said it is a hard show to watch if you haven't seen most of it the previous episodes (therefore the BSG Season 2 premiere on Sci-fi tonight probably isn't good idea for first-time viewers). However, have no fear OOT because I've specially uploaded the 3hr long mini-series movie that started the whole show. Now since I'm not a rich man I've had to do split it up into archived parts.

I used so for each of these links you'll have to go to the page, scroll to the bottom, hit the free button, again scroll to the bottom, wait several seconds for the link to appear, then download. Once all 8 parts are downloaded you'll need WinRAR to extract the movie. Any of the 8 parts (assuming they are all in the same folder) should be able to extract. Here are the links:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Edit: @#!$ The site only lets you download one of these links per hour. If some 2+2'er has online space and bandwidth to spare I'll be happy to upload it there. Otherwise you'll just have to come back to this thread every hour until it's done. Sucks I know and I'm sorry.

Each part is about 45MB large except for part 8 which is only around 10MB. It shouldn't take long if you're on broadband. Let me know what you guys think of the show.

Oh and to make this OOT thread complete here are two more reasons to watch:

Grace Park


Tricia Helfer
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