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Old 07-15-2005, 10:13 AM
willbb99 willbb99 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Durham, NC
Posts: 32
Default Re: some hands i wasnt sure about at the 22s

I think that many of the problems that you face are a result of raising with marginal hands out of position. Avoiding these situations and you won't face as many tough decisions.

1. Fold: miniraise by the short stack smells like a big pair
2. Fold: for reasons that everyone else said
3. Fold: Out of position with marginal hand and someone saying that they have a real hand
4. Fold: Your hand loses a lot of value since it's not the first to show aggression
5. Call: AQ and AK wouldn't have limped (raising wouldn't be bad here either)

Sorry I repeated a lot of other people's advice but I think it's worth repeating.
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