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Old 07-15-2005, 03:11 AM
GuyOnTilt GuyOnTilt is offline
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Default Kind of a Lame Post : Name Me

Um yeah. This is pretty lame, I will admit, but I need a restaurant name. My real name is Brighten, and when I make reservations for a restaurant over the phone or give my name to the cashier at a coffee shop or Jamba or whatever, it's always a pain because they have to ask me to repeat it more than once. So I think it would be best if I came up with an alternate identity for when I go out for food, just to simplify things and make life easier both for me and the restaurant employee. I've been meaning to do this for a while kind of, but have never taken the time to come up with a name that would be fun. I use Rufio sometimes at Jamba. But anyway, if anybody has any ideas that'd be nice. I would probably plan on using this for quite a while, probably years.

Name me.

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