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Old 06-30-2003, 11:49 AM
Wombat6 Wombat6 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
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Default Re: Is there enough money in Stud to make it worth learning?

Im not so sure I agree [img]/forums/images/icons/confused.gif[/img] with your statement in a wholesale manner.

The variation in a poker game is a product of (among other things) your own aggression and the levels of aggression displayed by your opponents. also by how many speculative hands that are played. Rather than any generic or arbitratry size limitation.

It is true that most bargan basement games display a relatively low bankroll fluctuation because of the tight and passive nature of the normal customers. and the fact that most of these guys simply suck as poker players.(However the S.D. is a bit higher that that of other games). One of the factors behind this low amount of bankroll fluctuation is that the popular literature aimed at these games perscribes a very tight style of play. This type of play is often correct because of the effects of the rake on the games and the structure (size of the antes and bringins) . However if you are lucky enough to find a real rammer jammer I can safely wager that you will come to be familiar with the [img]/forums/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] loopdeedoo's [img]/forums/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] experianced by some of the higher limit players.

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