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Old 06-27-2003, 05:25 PM
Cooling Heels Cooling Heels is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 83
Default Re: Stud8 Qualifier?

I've played stud/8 at the Palms in Vegas where there is a two pair
qualifier for high in addition to the 8 qualifier for low. Lows occasionally scooped pots, but usually the low starting hands bet it up, and nobody
played one way high hands; the high hands were lows that backed into st8's, flushes, or two pair. Another difference is that the high board card
brings it in, unlike the more common low card bring-in.

In my mind, high starting hands are nearly unplayable with a high qualifier, the exception being rolled up or two aces with a baby. There is a $1 ante in the game,
so you can raise it up with a big pair against the right opponent door cards, but how often does that situation occur? The game is very aggressive, unlike the Canterbury 4/8 game stud/8 where nobody jams until 6th or the
river, if then. I doubt the high qualifier causes the aggressive play, most likely that's the style of the regular players there and they would raise it up
without a high qualifier. Not a game for the timid.
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