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Old 07-06-2005, 12:58 AM
flair1239 flair1239 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Default Re: Is there a final verdict on the kosherness of using HUD applications?

I think I may have asked about this in an earlier thread but I can't remember, so sorry if this is a repeat question. I think I need to get with the times and use PokerAce or one of these apps. Is this currently a violation of the TOS on Party/Party skins?

I don't want to run in to any problems just to avoid having to right click on my notes icon, it's just not worth it. I can't risk having my account frozen by their bizzarro gestapo customer service if this is something they are not allowing.

Is anyone else nervous about this, or am I being too paranoid?



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According to an E-mai I got from Eurobet; at this point the only thing that is banned is programs that play for you or instruct you excatly how to play.

For the moment Pokertracker and HUDS are OK.

BTW, I think what might trigger many of these warnings, is 12-24 hour a day activty on a account that is being used to datamine.
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