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Old 07-04-2005, 12:33 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 62
Default Re: Wanna play hold em: stick to BRAM games, forget internet

Hmmm, since you actaully mentioned the length of the event, I'm putting you on a serious question, and not just trying to poke fun of good ole' ATE

Anyway, this issue came up before, in an article I wrote about helping people prepare for the "big one"

Having access to the right food(s) is an essential element of winning tournament play. Often, the dinner break is of insufficient time, especially with hundreds or even thousands of players all tryin' to eat at the same time. Thus, it's a good idea to "roll your own"

there are three main considerations, when deciding what to eat, prior to tournament play:

(1) medical considerations, does the individual have special needs, such as diabetes or hypoglacemia? If so, you'd better make sure these needs are taken care of. Do certain foods, tend to make you sleepy? give you "gas" or the "d" word? better avoid 'em.
Avoid foods, that has a high-probability to make you sick
Turkey, is the number one most easily spoiled food. Shrimp, is anoth big one. Improperly prepard, you may find yourself in the john, RALPHIN' instead of at the table, PLAYIN'

Foods containin' bones, should also be avoided like the plague. ATE once delivered a three hour lecture, on kitchen safefy, and the issue of bone-in foods, was discussed. In ATE cuisine, there are very very few bones, and when there are: they are BIG and easily identifyable.

YOu don't want to be a breakin' a tooth, just before a big event that you've already paid for.

(2) Filling. Prepare a meal, that is totally filling, and that will satisfy your hunger, for many hours to come. Also, ATe would suggest you bring your own snack, something not easily perishable. If you have a sandwhich, don't have mayo, or an easily perishable meat, such as turkey or tuna.

It would not be a bad idea, to have say a ham or meatloaf sandwhich, in your bag. Let your opponents use their dinner time to rush and try to find something to eat: you use your time, to review playin' habbits of your opposition, and plan strategies for after-dinner play.

(3) enjoyability! Oh yes, Virgina this is a major factor:

You want to be in as good a mood as possible. Motivate yourself! Make food, that you don't often enjoy, because you can't afford it! Think of how much you can enjoy these foods, if you win the thing.

Oh yes, spoil yourself. Set the stage for a positive frame of mind, by making the most expensive "comfort food" you can think of.

Just watch the bones, OK!

(note to Mr. S and Mr. M yeah, you may not like my style, but as you read on, you will see that: Yes, I really do know my 'stuff" and it ai'nt a come from readin' books.

I am availble, to write a couple books for your publishing company, especially on the subjects of omaha, and of course in the subject of dealing poker, which NO ONE can better teach.)


Don't you just LOVE ATE! Ok, so the third person thing is rather annoying, but it's part o' the charater, and I can't drop it

Even if I wanted to, which I don't

Adam, the helpful genius
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