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Old 07-02-2005, 10:56 PM
stripsqueez stripsqueez is offline
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Default Re: Repeat Sex Offenders

i hate people bashing peadophiles

truth is you guys know nada about peadophiles - i dont know much either but i have represented several and have also acted on behalf of many victims

i have acted for lots of different crooks and the ones who to my observation exhibited the most genuine and profound remorse were peadophiles

i am always concerned to judge something i have no conception of - its easy to look at a person who has anger management issues and commits violent crime and understand where they are coming from - we have all had the urge to thump someone from time to time - but when was the last time you felt like having sex with a 6 year old ?

no doubt the crimes peadophiles commit are horrible but as a civilised society we would do best to try and understand whats going on rather than revelling in the soft target and promoting extreme views

stripsqueez - chickenhawk
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