Thread: Poker Grapher
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Old 07-01-2005, 12:28 AM
Orpheus Orpheus is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 178
Default Re: Poker Grapher

I don't mean to rag on you, just give you a tip.

I never assume that a first post in a thread that is several months old, will always be up-to-date. I always skip to the end to see what the most recent info is. Then, because I don't always have time to read all the posts in a multipage thread, I read the last few pages in reverse order, instead of the first few pages (as many people seem to do) Usually, any useful info from earlier in the thread will be repeated near the end, as clarifications for people who only skimmed or skipped the main bulk of the thread posts.

I very often find information and changes that completely invalidates the original post (at least for my use), such as the unpleasant experiences of those who used the info given earlier in the thread.

This may seem like simple common sense, but it doesn't seem to be standard practice for most people. Many who skip to the end just make "I'm too lazy" posts (and don't come back to read the helpful replies), and miss the exact same info summarized on the next-to-laxt pages. We've all seen that.

As I said, just a tip. It's become my SOP.
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