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Old 06-30-2005, 09:05 PM
Raydain Raydain is offline
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Default Re: something rather disturbing...

8 replies and not a legit answer to the question yet. Axioma made a new thread to ask, where are we going to draw the line on computer aids.

The game of poker is suppose to be played by an individual. It his own observation of other players that gives him a true edge over other players.

First Pokertracker came out: This is a great piece of software that helps you analyze your own game and helps you get better when you play at the tables

Next came GT+ and PV: All this does is display the stats which you have already collected. A real time saver.

Pokeredge: Now you're not collecting data by yourself, you have others get the stats on every pokerplayer on your site. This is giving you in depth notes on every player your playing against.

But all these aids just help you do what you could have done yourself. You still have to play poker right?
In my thread I made a few days ago I thought the best response went something like this: "Steroids make baseball players better like pokeredge makes poker players better. The baseball players still have to hit the ball so the only people that don't benefit from this are the players that don't use steroids. It's still baseball though. But steroids are illegal because it takes away the esence of the game. Steroids are to baseball like Pokeredge is to Poker."
NOTE: This is not my idea, I just reworded it. Check my thread on "Pokertracker is cheating" for the OP.

So what's next? We get a bot that analyzes the statistics and tells us what the most optimal move will be? It will still be poker won't it? I mean we don't HAVE to do what the bot says. We'll just be taking advantage of people have not paid for this mechanical aid.

Back to the OP question, where do we draw the line? Is the bot that tells us what to do too far? Is a bot WE program too far? Since we programed it, its making the same moves we would make. It's just saving us time.

One last thought - Once the sea of fish realize the kind of help we have been using what's the response going to be?
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