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Old 06-28-2005, 03:26 AM
GrekeHaus GrekeHaus is offline
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Default Re: Was this unethical?

[ QUOTE ]'s like if a tree falls and only you and one other guy are there to hear it but both swear it didn't fall. Well, just so happens there WAS A F*CKING CAMERA RECORDING THE WHOLE THING. The good news is the camera operators have no clue about anything ..... anything at all. So you'll be fine. If I was that guy who has crappy DSL from Verizon Wireless and no friends to play his game(s) I'd at least get your chat banned, hopefully get your account suspended for a while.

I mean, isn't it enough that you and dorkoff, can *easily* implicitly collude here??!? have to explicitly collude and effective cheat the poor guy who lost his connection.

Jesus.....I hate you even worse than those guys who I wanted to die. You should like, have xPuns1her rip your eyes out and then have sex with your grandmother in front of you to boot and then rip your heart out with your grandmother's dead hand.

Or something.


[/ QUOTE ]

I think I just creamed myself.
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