Thread: Jewish jokes
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Old 06-09-2003, 03:12 PM
Dr Wogga Dr Wogga is offline
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Default And a Few More......

..a Jewish family moves into a southern redneck town. To try and help her 14 year old son adjust, his mother signs him up for a local football team. Meeting the coach for the first time, he asks her if her son prefers offense or defense. Thinking fast, she says: "Defense" The coach smiles and tells her we need kids that can get the quarterback and practice is tomorrow at noon. So the next day, the Jewish kid shows up for football practive with a piggy bank...........

A priest, a minister, and a rabbi go fishing. All of a sudden, the priest stands up in the rowboat and announces he has to say a special prayer for one of his parishoners, but he left his prayerbook in the car. With that, he jumps out of the boat, runs across the top of the water, gets his prayerbook from the car, kneels down, says a quick prayer, puts the prayerbook back into the car, runs back across the top of the water, and jumps back into the boat. A little while goes by, the minister remembers he has a 10AM call with a local Protestant charity organization, but left his cell phone in the car. He jumps out of the boat, runs across the water, gets out his cell phone, dials into the conference call, and two minutes later, is running back across the water and jumps back into the boat. Noon comes and the rabbi says, he has to say his special high noon prayer, jumps out of the boat and sinks to the bottom of the lake. The priest looks at the minister and says: "Should we tell him where the rocks are?"
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