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Old 07-04-2002, 10:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Default fishing in alaska

i didnt do any salmon fishing up there but did do some trout fishing. in the lakes i caught smaller trout,rainbows up to 14 inches or so on most every cast in the better spots. in a few rivers i did manage to find spots to catch many rainbows around 16 to 26 inches. grayling fishing is very easy with some going above two pounds. if i worked harder i could have done much better.

for ed i-- i used only my 7 piece four weight 8 foot rod. i didnt like it much at first till i put on a five weight line and then it performs just fine.

there is so much water there to fish that its hard to even name a spot to go. after about 8 at night the mossys are pretty bad so you tend to hole up unless its an open area.

all my fishing was with normal nymphs or wooly worms as it didnt pay to use drys as the fish just ate the flys to pieces, catching so many i mean.

my absoule best time was fishing in a lake near atin, b.c. it held tons of bows about 2 to 4 pounds and were hooked almost every three casts. fishing was frome sore with easy casting of only 30 feet. unbelieveable.
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