Thread: Jewish jokes
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Old 06-08-2003, 12:18 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Here's one more I just remembered but you have to hear it from a Jew, with all the proper terms and all, to appreciate it.

* * *

A Jew goes to the synagogue with his dog. The rabbi rushes to him and says "Hey, whoa, my good man, you cannot bring a DOG to the synagogue! This is a sacred place."

The man shakes his head. "You don't understand. This is not a dog like other dogs." "What do you mean?" asks the rabbi. "I mean this dog can pray and do all the things a good faithful Jew must perform in his synagogue with all the necessary customs and respect". "What are you talking about??" asks the incredulous rabbi.

"Here, I'll show you" says the man and turns to the dog "Go ahead, Alfie."

The dog solemnly takes out from a bag round its neck the small cap that Jews wear, uses its paws to place it on the backtop of its head, than takes out the cloth that goes round the neck and very elaborately places it round its neck, then takes out a Torah, which he proceeds to open very carefully and respectfully and with its body going back and forth starts reading it.

"THAT'S AMAZING!!!" cries the rabbi. "I've never seen anything like this in my entire life. Man, this is one clever dog! You know, you should take this dog to HOLLYWOOD. You're gonna make MILLIONS!.."

Tha man again shakes his head sadly.

"Well, rabbi, you tell him that. He wants to be a doctor."
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