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Old 06-25-2005, 09:41 PM
zuluking zuluking is offline
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Default Re: Martial arts question: Spinoff from \"terrible way to lose a fight\"

No disrespect meant to TKD, but its not as practical in a street application as other MA's. My advice is to find a school that has a mix of 2-3 MA's. For instance, I'm currently a 2nd brown in Karate and Ju-Jitsu, training towards my Black in October.

70%-80% of all fights end up on the ground, and a strong foundation in ground self defense, I think, is essential.

Having said that, I've sparred some TKD students and they kick like MULES, but as soon as you go inside on them, they don't know what to do in a "street sparring" kinda of situation.

Whatever you do, get back to some kind of MA and good luck!
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