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Old 06-08-2005, 04:50 PM
Turning Stone Pro Turning Stone Pro is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 10
Default The I\'m Too Tired to Write a real Vegas Report Vegas Report . . .

Just got back from 6 days in Vegas -- an absolute blast.

Played 80-160 at the Bellagio, took a break long enough to play like a donk in the WSOP 1500 limit HE on Sunday (actually, flopped trips and lost to a rivered flush early on that crippled my chip stack and ended my chances, but you've all heard those stories . . .)

Met some great folks like Enon and Dcifer - real good guys. Actually played a couple orbits of 7-handed 80-160 with Guifre, Enon and Dcifer in the game -- tough action, to say the least. As usual, I played some bad cards and spilled some sodas and it was a lot of fun. Met HiatusOver and saw J.V. and Nomar at the Rio - they looked busy (i.e. playing high limit poker) and I didn't want to bother them.

Over the 6 days I was there, bumped into old friends from various stages of the last 10 years of my life. At the Bellagio, bumped into a fellow I used to play poker with in a home game in Tulsa, he actually introduced me to a game in Springfield, Missouri that I played in for years and made lasting friendships. For that, I will always be grateful.

Met up with some fellows I used to play with at the Ameristar in Kansas City. Same old story there, which is a good thing.

Met up with several of the old Turning Stone bandits, including Adam (don't know his last name), a very good player and great fellow, who has basically moved to Vegas and plays full time, live and online.

Introduced myself to Mr. Sklansky on Tuesday afternoon at the Bellagio (only as "Joe" and not "TSP", because I didn't want him to get him upset when he was playing). Thanked him for having such a profound influence on my life, and apologized for bothering him when he was playing. I guess it was something that I needed to tell him.

Broke about even for the week until yesterday morning. It seemed like for 5 days, I was sort of one card behind, zigging when I should of been zagging, just couldn't put it all together. Some tough river beats, some mental lapses, some lucky cards, etc. Got hot the last 14 hours, though, and ended up winning about 11k for the session, putting me ahead about 8k on the trip, including entry fees and other related "expenses".

Highlight of the trip was having steak dinner on Saturday night at the Rio with Steve Guifre, one of the most kind-hearted guys I have ever met and a credit to the game, a top player, and someone who I am proud to consider a good friend.

Next year for sure!

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