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Old 06-08-2005, 11:21 AM
junkmail3 junkmail3 is offline
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Default Re: $11 SnG: Wrong to Push?

What level is this?

1: Fold. It's way to early and your stack is just fine. TT against two raisese is bad news. You've got plenty of time to work it from here. (And you're no where near the bubble)

2: See above. (If MP1 didn't call, I might push to isolate with a potentially/probably much better hand ... but I'd still be nervous of getting called)

3: You could push preflop here ... I would push here.

4: I might just call the turn, but otherwise it looks good to me. But I don't think I mind raising again. If he bets much bigger, I might think about folding.

5: I would limp or fold this preflop and take it from there. I know you're getting into trouble with your stack size (and the previous hands give me the reasoning behind that. Play tighter in the lower levels, yeah even tighter than folding AQo perflop.) Facing a raise, in this position with this hand and your stack, you know you're going to get called, and I just don't know if you need to push yet with a raiser in front of you. But I might be convinced to push here ... though I think I'm waiting.
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