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Old 06-03-2005, 08:13 PM
dibbs dibbs is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: east coast
Posts: 39
Default Pretty common situation which I\'m unsure of.

Good low limit UB game 4 handed to full. You knock in the BB after some limpers with the lovely...

A: -- -- -- -- --
B: -- -- -- -- --
Hero: Js 9c Th Ah 6c
C: -- -- -- -- --

First Round:

C calls. A calls. B calls. aes
rizzle checks.

B takes 3 cards. Hero takes 4 cards.
C takes 2 cards. A takes 2 cards.

Second Round:

A: -- -- -- -- --
B: -- -- -- -- --
Hero: 6c 8s 3d Kc Kh
C: -- -- -- -- --

B checks. Hero checks. C
checks. A checks.

B takes 3 cards. Hero takes 2 cards.
C takes 1 card. A takes 2 cards.

Third Round:

A: -- -- -- -- --
B: -- -- -- -- --
Hero: 6c 8s 3d 4d As
C: -- -- -- -- --

B checks. Hero checks. C bets
$.50. A calls. B calls. Hero…..

Pot way too small here to have one shot at these outs? Assume C is a bad player, he may still be on the one draw or pat, still not good enough?

What if you have a really good 7 draw like 2347x, that's a call but the 8 isn't as clear cut to me it feels.

Thanks guys.
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