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Old 04-29-2002, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: What Are They Teaching? How Sad

I don't really feel that articles like this one are a form of propaganda--and I think it is newsworthy because kindergarteners being taught such things is shocking. It is a super-extreme, and I think super-extremes are even more newsworthy items than extremes. My guess is that these are probably the only kindergarteners in the entire world being taught like this. I think fanatacism and teaching of hatred to very young children is very destructive, no matter who does it, and I don't see a bias in reporting the most extreme examples of it, even if it does occur within a larger context. I agree with you that it may foster fatalistic attitudes in many, but on the brighter side, it may also cause some to see even more strongly the need for dialogue and negotiation and an executable plan which can lead to two states living side by side.

Certainly the media is at times biased in their reporting or choice of stories. However the typical American and I both have enough information at this point to be pretty sure that there is more widespread severe fanatacism in Islamic nations than in other nations, on average. This does not have to result in a fatalistic attitude--I think it shows the need for greater involvement, exchange and dialogue with these countries.

In regards to Islamic lack of modernization, I was indeed being overbroad, primarily in the interests of space and simpicity. Of course Saudi mediaevalism is an exceptional example, but the fact is that practically the entire Islamic world needs to come more into the 21st century. It would be nice if someone could just tell them: "Hey, you guys need to get with the program," and have them listen--but unfortunately it isn't quite that simple. However just maybe after the Palestinians get their homeland, "W" will tell the Saudis and others just that;-) On the positive side, the world's increasing tendency towards globalization will keep increasing their exposure, which is a good thing if they are ever to have a chance of becoming first instead of second or third world countries.

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