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Old 04-26-2002, 06:30 AM
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Default more whining about rights


'Living in a police state'

"If you think the police did secretive work before, just wait," defense attorney William Cataldo said. "It gives more power to the ignorant and more power to those who would take your rights."

Defense lawyer Walter Piszczatowski said: "This is nuts, this is beyond nuts.

"What happened to the Fourth Amendment? We're living in a police state."


Lawmakers defending secret warrants

'But if no charges are brought, the new law doesn't spell out a way for the person who was searched to learn why the police searched the home.'


what these crybabies are forgetting is that our country was founded on the principle that we the people trust government, and that government knows whats best for us in most cases. geesh.

the second article posted says it best.

'State Rep. Nancy Cassis (R-Novi), who cosponsored the bill in the House, ...

"Believe me, if there were to occur abuse of this, I'm sure it would be relooked," Cassis said.'

i mean, come on, with grammar like that, shes got to be good.

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