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Old 05-22-2005, 09:38 PM
bholdr bholdr is offline
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Default battling a sinus infection

every year around this time i get a really nasty sinus infection. i've taken courses f antibiotics before but it always comes back the next season.

so i've got it right now, and it sucks ass- i have effectivly no sense of taste or smell, my head hurts like hell from the pressure, neon green goo is running out my nose, the works.

anybody have any suggestions? anything that would at least flush out my sinus cavities would be greatly appreciated. this sucks. I went and had some sushi, and ate about a teaspoon of straight wasabi- it worked for about a minute.

i've heard things about baking soad, vinegar, etc, but nothing concrete. helpful links would be great too. homeopathic and home remidies will all be considered. TYIA.

BTW, i'd bet that i could easily do the bruisers wasabi challenge right now, in fact i may just do it to see if it helps.
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