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Old 04-23-2003, 08:44 AM
gilly gilly is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 58
Default What????

Being new to this board I will first say that I am a young "liberal" who will always support my country. May not agree with everything we do and I may think that W has the intelect of a 7 year old but that is my right. Now onto my post.

What are you talking about? You are talking about liberals being extreme? You make it sound as if liberals support Sadam in Iraq. They do not. Many of them were against the war but that is completely different.

ALSO, let me point out that 70% of the people in this country support the president (according to these polls) so that suggests that many liberals, including myself, are also supporting our troops and president in this time of war.

Another thing you speak of colleges as a "breeding grounds for far-left extremists". First this is over-stated. Second maybe this because an educated and well thought out view tends towards liberalism.
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