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Old 05-18-2005, 03:12 PM
RowdyZ RowdyZ is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 34
Default Re: Daniel Backing Himself

DN has already said he is backing himself 100% on these matches and while he may have his faults everyone agrees he's very honest.

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Alright, fair enough, but that does NOT mean he isn't receiving some form of kickback or deal for drumming up the extra advertising for Wynn Casino.

Daniel is no longer a poker player, he is a businessman. And while I applaud his success, and doing what's best for him, I no longer care for him as a person like I used to. He lost the humbleness/modestness that made him enjoyable to watch.

At least he isn't in Josh Arieh or Antonio Esfarianda territory yet, as far as attitudes go.

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Actually the more I read at Antonio's site the more I dislike the guy. The more I read at Josh's site the harder I find it to dislike him as much. His blog is very down to earth and no bragging what so ever alot of times little poker content but just day to day living and stuff.

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