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Old 05-17-2005, 03:32 AM
Kevin K. Kevin K. is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: rooting for the bad guy
Posts: 247
Default Re: Prevelance of Collusion on PP

I went to see who was playing in the $1000 steps a couple days ago after I finished a session. There were "two guys" from the same city sitting at one of the tables. "One of the guys" was also playing on another $1000 step table at the same time. There were several players at the first table that were keeping an eye on the action at the other table.

Well, when the guy who was sitting at both tables busted out at the second table, a few of the players at the first table started busting his balls a little. The guy who busted out didn't say a word. Then the "other guy" from the same city says something like, "Why do you have to be such a dick to me? What did I do to you?"

The chatbox goes silent for a minute. Then a couple people start asking questions. "Who are you talking to? Why are you saying 'me' and 'I'? Oops. You typed that under the wrong screenname, didn't you? Nobody's said a word to you for five minutes. Are you two the same person? Are you trying to steal?"

The ID that busted out never said a word the rest of the SNG. The "other guy" just said something like "Of course not." and kept silent the rest of the way. They took 2nd and 3rd place.

I got the feeling that there were several people at the table who were going to notify Party, but I sent an email to them just in case. I haven't heard back from them.
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