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Old 05-12-2005, 09:20 AM
swarm swarm is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 178
Default Re: scotty just can\'t seem to win?

I watched this episode last night, I realize it was a rerun but was this one of the bigger choke jobs you have seen HU or what?

Lee Watkinson played so well from 5 handed to get heads up with a 3-1 stack advantage:
-Pushed his edges as a shortstack
-Rode momentum and made some great aggressive plays while 3 handed

Then in HU the guy just falls apart and the blinds were still very manageable but he showed no patience and really seemed to go on tilt after Eli tricked him on the first hand trapping with his ace.

The call of the 500,000 bet on the turn when he had 10-6 on a board of AKK8 (Eli had a K)had to be one of the worst calls I have ever seen. He made the call so hesitently and the inflection in his voice made it so obvious he had nothing and was nervous as hell. It almost seemed like his cheering section goaded him into making a play on a pot when there was no play to be made. He's lucky that ELI bet, if he would have checked Lee surely would have moved in to try and save face on a woefully played hand that ended up pairing a 10 on the river . You can't call a 500,000 raise and not make a move on the pot river if your opponnent checks. Lee seemed really pressured to save face on this hand and I don't know why...

Then he pushes over the top of another Eli 500,000 raise with AQ with 54s All in. At this point Eli had slow played enough hands it was time to raise and actual good hand.

Lee showed no patience or tact when HU watsoever.
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