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Old 04-08-2003, 09:47 AM
bernie bernie is offline
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Default Re: Ciaffone and Game Theory

i never thought game theory was a cookie cutter approach the way bob is implying here. i thought it was the adjustment of the percentage plays an opponent, regardless of skill, is using against you.

for instance, if an opponent always calls, it would go against game theory to try and bluff him wouldnt it? since he'd never fold. as compared to playing someone who folds alot. arent there 2 ways to play both these players based on how game theory applies to each?

"As this pertains to our situation here, when you are raised on the turn, you are going to run into a big hand more often than game theory would dictate."

doesnt this also depend on the players turn raise standard and how g theory would dictate to play against that based on the opponents tendency? i see what bob is saying, but i dont think he's saying it that well.

am i off on this? ill have to reread the game theory section again....

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