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Old 05-10-2005, 05:59 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: how has eastbays tool helped out your game?

I like it, but it really is hard to put people on hand ranges in the 10 + 1's, where I almost never see the same guy twice, and where calling ranges change every level or two, and depend on the stack sizes of both the player and his opponents, and if the player does a lot of folding you don't really get a chance to see what he's raising or call with anyway, and players often seem to play just out of peevish reluctance to give up anything in the blind no matter how crappy, or make spite calls and spite raises, or just think really illogically, or even don't really know how to play at all...and, and, and....

It helps think about the game in general, though. And I'm sure after I get a vastly larger database, its use will seem more directly applicable to each game I'm playing rather than to SNG theory in general. Its beneficial effect will probably be amplified when I'm playing higher levels, too, where people are likely playing less on the basis of emotion and hope or simply playing randomly a lot less, and actually have an idea of a play style and plan that they're sticking to consistently. Putting a numbskull on calling ranges who doesn't really HAVE calling ranges is kind of an exercise in futility.

I'm still glad I bought it, though. Anything that gives me even a tiny bit more insight than I had before is very +EV in the long run. And eventually I'll probably be able to get better use out of it than I can now in the 10's, when people call with (*.*).
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