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Old 05-04-2005, 02:49 AM
pyedog pyedog is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 45
Default Re: Stu Unger like reads

I thought the movie Stuey was pretty terrible. The story was very interesting (but depressing) since I didn't know anything about Ungar before the movie. But it was poorly written, acted and shot. The poker scenes were actually pretty sparse. I think that book about Ungar would probably be a better choice. The movie got 5.9/10 on

I don't understand how his call with ten high can be anything other than horrible. Isn't it ridiculously results-oriented to say that he made a good call? He could only beat like three possible hands. And his opponent could have played countless other hands in the exact same way, and been just as nervous bluffing at the end (for example with A-high). What a ridiculous anecdote. If anything it sounds like one of the worst calls of all time that just happened to be one of the luckiest.
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