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Old 04-30-2005, 01:18 AM
ed8383 ed8383 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 73
Default Re: How Long do you think Poker will remain this popular?

The poker fad will end in the coming global depression prophecised by nostradamus and other modern seers. According to the prophecies the American economy will be destroyed by coming earth changes (california sinking in 2006) and attacks on america that will supposedly destroy a mayor city (many say new york). As you know if something happens to California the U.S economy goes down the tube, and if the U.S economy goes so goes the world economy.

The global depression will also be fueled by earth changes not just in the USA that will change the face of the country, but in Europe as well. If modern seers are correct the face of Europe will change drastically as much of northern europe goes underwater in the coming years.

The poker fad will end as the whole world is hit by a depression as seen in the 20's in the U.S (but much worse as this depression will be on a global scale).
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