Thread: 10-20 heads-up
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Old 03-19-2003, 11:15 PM
glen glen is offline
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Default 10-20 heads-up

10-20 pp. Heads-up. opponents brings it in for $5 with a Q. I have K(KK). I raise. He folds. I had only been playing with this opponent for about fifteen minutes, but we've played a few times in the past. I always come in for a raise when I have a higher doorcard (but I mix up playing and folding here) with a certain frequency. Of the times I raise with a king, I might have a king one out of three times, let's say. Now, should I limp here anyways, even though it will set off some warning bells, should I hope he catches and sticks around, or should i raise in case he has a strong holding - queen, ace three flush, etc. and then I can play the hand fast. I feel that against this opponent he would probably fold queens on fourth or fifth if I decided to limp. I've been in this situation a few times heads-up, and I've limped when I'm against a low card, and gotten paid of nicely by low draws that turn into mediocre highs. but, against high cards, I don't think I've ever gotten called. Since hu sessions can be relatively short 5 min. to 30 min., I don't try to mix up my play as much since I don't think my opponents will notice enough for me to benefit later. . .
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