Thread: Curt Schilling
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Old 04-28-2005, 03:50 PM
ThaSaltCracka ThaSaltCracka is offline
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Default Re: Curt Schilling

Late to the discussion and all of a sudden it's busy around here so I'm not going to read all the other responses but you got it wrong, my Yankee loving friend. Schilling didn't call LOU an idiot and the reason they lose 100 games, he only related how LOU'S players were saying that. Of course LOU held a team meeting and they all denied it. I guess Schilling was lying.

[/ QUOTE ]Dude, let me put it this way, I don't know if he was lying or not(me thinks he was exaggerating), but regardless, you don't go on radio and make a comment like that under any circumstances. Its a total bush league move and makes him look like he wants the PR.
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