Thread: Curt Schilling
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Old 04-28-2005, 03:48 PM
ThaSaltCracka ThaSaltCracka is offline
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Default Re: Curt Schilling

BigD, you are a huge tool. Its clear you are a gigantic Sox fan, and really the only reason you like Schilling is because he helped Boston win a WS. If he had never came to Boston, you probably would dislike him or be indifferent torwards him. You are the one who needs to open your eyes. All you Boston guys love making heroes and goats out of all your current and former players. Its always one thing that causes it too.
OK. Let's just completely gloss over the REASONS he got all that attention. Love him or hate him, the fact is the man put on a couple of the most memorable performances in baseball history and whether Yankee fans like it or not, it will be talked about LONG after he's gone from the game. Again, sorry if you can't handle it.

[/ QUOTE ]
well no [censored], this is what you putz's do, Buckner for example, half you dipshits hate him, and after Boston won, there was plenty of press about how Buckner is forgiven. Forgiven for what??? Well [censored] off you bitch ass Boston dick riders. There are more than a few true fans on here, who what I said doesn't apply, but I can't say the same about you.

As for Sheff, I hate the fucker, and I hate A-Rod. I think both are greedy ass holes, and hopefully NY doesn't win with them. They don't deserve it.


Like order your pitchers to throw at the head and knees of the stars on the opposing team because they hit home runs? No wait...that was Lou.

[/ QUOTE ] And you have proof of this how? Do you think this because your golden faggot Schilling said so??? I am guessing you listen to everything he says and eat it up with the same spoon you eat his ass out with. Lou does not do this, no manager in the entire MLB does this. Managers do tell their players to throw at players, but never to the head or knee. That is part of that game, so you need to deal with it. Also, Tampa is an incredibly young team with young pitchers that are wild. Did Curt hit a lot of people early in his career? How about RJ? Answe is yes.

Have fun stewing over that one for the next couple of decades.

[/ QUOTE ] okay, cool, NY will probably win 5 or 6 over that span, Boston, maybe 1.
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