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Old 04-25-2005, 09:40 AM
jackdaniels jackdaniels is offline
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Default Re: Five Thousand Jews And 9/11

I haven't read through most of the thread so maybe I am missing something. However, let me make a statement that may either clear things up or muddy the waters further.

1. All religions believe that their way is the right and only way.
2. If their way is the right way, the way chosen by others must be wrong.
3. If others are wrong and I am right - I can either teach (save) those others or pitty them for missing out on the "truth".

In conclusion, all religions are, by definition, exclusionary of other religions/beliefs. And all religious people are by definition prejudicial against people of other faiths.

It doesn't matter what religion you are. Just keep in mind that by being religious, you are - by definition - exclusionary and think you are better than people of other religions (or no religion for that matter). Thus, there isn't much difference between being religious and being a racist (in one instance you have prejudices based on race and in the other based on religion).

Now this is a far cry from comparing Judaism, Hinduism or other religions to Nazism. The biggest disctinction is the use of force. Only the Nazi's decided that in order to enforce their beliefs they are willing to murder millions of people. Only the Nazi's decided that the best way to propogate their beliefs is to exterminate any opposing views. To say religion is an exclusionary practice that promotes the belief that you are right and others are wrong is way different than saying there is no difference between Judaism and Nazism.
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