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Old 04-23-2005, 12:55 PM
pokerlaw pokerlaw is offline
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Default Re: Board paired/odds of any player having third card chart?

I don't have a chart, but I'll walk you through the math. Check out super system maybe? i recall a decent probabilities chart in the back.

In situations you are talking about (i take it to mean a QQJ flop or the like), there are 3 remaining Jacks in the deck. Assuming you dont have one, we know 5 cards in the deck and one is a jack. Therefore, out of the remaining 47, there are 3 jacks. As such, the chance of a random person having a Jack are = 3/47 + 3/46, or roughly 1/8.

Therefore, multiply the 1/8 * n, where n = number of players at the table other than yourself. Therefore, if you are 5 handed, the odds that someone STARTED with a jack are 50%; if you don't have one on a JQQ flop.

However, it can likely be assumed that even if the pot isn't raised, J2-J7 are folded by the non-blind players (prob J8 also). So the J may no longer be there. Hope this helps....
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