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Old 04-22-2005, 02:24 PM
ripdog ripdog is offline
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Default Child Rape vs. Child Murder

A guy that I used to work with, someone that I had to rely on and supervise, recently plead guilty to two counts of child rape. He admitted that he had been abusing his 10 year old daughter for about 5 years and had been abusing his 5 year old daughter for a year. He is now serving a 16.5 year sentence in a state prison. I have no problem with the length of his sentence.

A month (or so) later, a woman killed her step-daughter. The kid was a product of her husband's infidelity. Along with some broken bones and skull fractures, the child's kidney was separated from the ureter. I can't imagine the amount of violence that it took to cause the damage. The recommended sentence for her is 8.5 years. This seems like a slap on the wrist to me.

It seems that raping kids is worse than killing them in the eyes of the justice system.
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