Thread: Dealer Tips
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Old 04-22-2005, 03:15 AM
DanS DanS is offline
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Default Re: Dealer Tips

Even though this is a general response, I'm gonna respond to your post cuz I like your attitude.

I treat tipping dealers like tipping waiters/bartenders: it's realistically a part of the person's wage, but it also should be viewed as the courtesy/gratuity that it is.

I'm neither absurdly generous, nor do I tip the minimum possible (aka "the Malmuth"). I tip a buck on pots I win postflop, 100% of the time to the awesome dealers, 75% of the time to the ok dealers, and 50% to the crappy ones.

The only time I'll ever consider not tipping a dealer (note: I consider it, but have rarely ever followed through) is when a dealer doesn't give my tip a rap and give me a brief "thanks." Also, when you're in a live game and the dealer gushes over the guy who throws him a red, and gives you a look of disdain when you throw a white... f that, that's garbage.

The cool thing is is that the really excellent dealers are appreciative of your tips, and understand that you may be working too. I think there's a place for people who aren't stiffs, but aren't extravagant tippers.

My ex-roommate is a bartender. Personally, I think he makes too much for doing too little. Do I think it's an easy job? Hell no! At the same time, I think some people work three times as hard for one quarter the pay. I also think that part of going out is knowing that society gives certain people (bartenders, dealers, and waiters) certain expected recompense, and if you don't like it, then play online with a six pack and a microwavable pizza... ya cheap fvck!!!

Any, as always, I think your outlook is cool Al.

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