Thread: Dealer Tips
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Old 04-21-2005, 04:22 AM
The_Tracker The_Tracker is offline
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Default Re: Dealer Tips

Card dealers are overpaid for the unnecessary service that they provide.

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I like this part here alot. "unnecessary service". Pick up the cards and take turns dealing them your [censored] self then. Sadly, you will soon be broke when half the table is running mechanics with the cards.


Why should an unskilled employee at a casino be in the same income bracket of an auto mechanic.?

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Just because you sit and watch good dealers make their job look easy does not mean it is. "unskilled employee" LOL. Really showing your ignorance here.

Why should this same dealer be paid the same as an electrician, plumber, or teacher?

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You put teachers in the same pay scale as electricians? LOL. Again, the ignorance. Anyway, please remind me if you will what baseball players make a year and compare that with teachers make. Does any of it really make sense?

Competent and adequate dealers require approximately the same level of intelligence as a cashier to be proficient at their occupation.

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I believe that “professions” that are grouped in the same income bracket should be required to have approximately the same amount of intelligence, training, and education. Card dealers who happen to have an exceptionally good attitude, dealers who are good natured, and run a smooth game, deserve to be “toked” occasionally for their extra effort. The rest of the card dealers who merely possess the “skills” to handle a deck of cards and deal them deserve the minimum wage that they earn for the work they do.

There is no such thing as a mandatory tip. Ever. Those of you in the service industry who think that you deserve more because you don’t get paid enough by your employer can take a hike. If you expect a “toke” from Shawn P you better have been extraordinarily good at you job when I won a substantial pot, otherwise phuck off.

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You're sad and a true stiff. I am guessing you are definatley a losing player too. Your approach to everything is wrong. If tokes are eating into your wallet that bad then you are simply not a winning player.
It has been my experience that the more liberal you are with your money, the easier it comes back around. When you don't toke the dealer, they notice and it begins to send out a bad "vibe" between the two. Maybe this adversly affects you. Maybe not. But I would rather have a dealer on my side and rooting for me to win because he will get paid as well.

You are obviously to stupid to understand this concept....

Keep showing your ass stiff. Society loves stiffs. They're popular. LOL
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